Refer A Child To Our Program
When a child is referred to our program for a CASA Volunteer, the Juvenile Dependency Judge reviews every referral submitted. The Judge will then officially sign off on the referral. The appointment process of a CASA Volunteer can then begin.
Who Can Make a Referral?
- County Social Workers
- Foster Family Agency Social Workers
- Attorneys
- Counselors
- Foster Parents
- School Personnel
- Family Members of the Child
- Other Professional Parties involved in the Case.
Please Note- the request for a CASA volunteer must be made through our "Request for a CASA" Form.
To download a copy of the referral form please click on the image below, or contact the CASA Office at (209)722-2272. It can be easily sent through fax, email, or picked up at our office.
You may also have a copy of the form send directly to you. Inquire below: